My Property Tools from Purple Frog Asset Management

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Our expert sales team are specialists at selling investment properties. Due to the expert knowledge within our team, and our completely transparent approach, both buyers and sellers benefit from high completion rates as we’re able to avoid many of the pitfalls  which can cause sales to fall through.

Because we live and breath investment property, we know how to value it properly, how to market it correctly, and how to avoid the pitfalls of down valuing and make sure we have the correct documentation to enable a sale to complete. 

     Get the right valuation: We’re specialists in selling investment properties, so we know how to value your property as a business, not just bricks and mortar.

     The right marketing: We understand what information investors need to make a decision to purchase, so we make sure to provide that information, and share it with our curated list of investors.

     Managing value discrepancies: Bank surveyors have to provide a value based on bricks and mortar alone, rather than rental income, which often results in down valuations; we prevent this becoming a problem by ensuring potential buyers understand this and have sufficient funds available.

Find out how much your property is worth

Complete the form below and we’ll provide you with a free market valuation of your property with no obligation. Find out more about our sales service here.

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