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Project Management
Increase the return on your investment without the hassle
Any refurbishment or extension to your property can increase the return on your investment, but, let’s face it, building work can be a hassle and there are lots of things that can go wrong. Delays, over spends, or the worst case, cowboy builders running off with your money, or doing a shoddy job.
Is it worth the investment?
Just like in your own home, there are some improvements which make sense and provide a good return, and others that don’t. Our experts will advise as part of an initial free consultation the rough costs and estimated returns so you can decide if the investment is worth it.
In addition to increased rent, our sales team will also be able to tell you what the potential increase in the value of your property will be after works are completed.
How much will it cost?
We can manage projects of any size, from a ‘light make over’ to full refurbishment and extension, these can range from £5k to £150k if you are want to convert a 4 bed HMO into a 6/7 bed HMO.
We can also discuss various funding options with you, many lenders will finance larger projects.
How long will it take?
Small projects can be completed within a week or two minimizing any void periods, we can sometimes complete works whilst tenants are in situ with their cooperation.
Larger projects, such as full refurbishments can take a number of months.
Student HMO refurbishments can often be completed during summer months between tenancies, it’s always a tight time frame to carry out such major works, but we work with contractors who are experienced in such projects.
What improvements should I make?
Our team spend every day speaking to tenants and potential tenants about properties and what they want and expect so we are best placed to advise you which improvements and interior styles our tenants want.
We also conduct qualitative and quantitative research to confirm what features will be most important in any property development project.
How can Purple Frog help?
Our expert team can help you to enhance your investment, providing a better home for your tenants and improve your returns.
We will advise you what works to carry out to create the best returns, navigate the complexity of planning and building regulations and deliver a high quality successful project without the hassle.
Get in touch and ask us to complete a free feasibility report which will set out the expected expenses and additional return. If the numbers work, we can move on to obtaining detailed quotations and then move onto project management.
Stage 1-
Initial consultation to discuss your aims and get an undertsating for how much you'd like to invest.
We'll visit the property and put together a breif proposal for you to consider.
Planning and Quotation
Stage 2-
Liaise with architects if neccessary
Arrange for drawings to be prepared (architect fees apply)
Liaise with local planning officers
Create a detailed build spec
Instruct 3 builders to quote
Prepare a full report including quotations and recomendations
Project Management
Stage 3-
Prepare contracts for works
Arrange submission of planning applications
Instruct contractors
Liaise with building control
Liaise with water supplier for upgrades if required
Weekly site visit
Order furnishings and accessories
Budget and payment management
Contractor management
Final inspection and snagging
Arrange staging and post build marketing photos